Title: Active Engagement in Professional Improvement
Presenter: Dr. Alan Knox, University of Wisconsin
Facilitator: Curt Olson, PhD
This session will explore why and how to engage health professionals in continuing education and quality improvement activities that enhance performance. The recent article to read beforehand is:
Hess, Reed, Turco, Parboosingh, Bernstein “Enhancing provider engagement in practice improvement” Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions,35(1):71-79,2015.
Click to access article
Our session may encourage you to try some additional engagement strategies, such as: peer interactions, appreciative inquiry, use of technology, and evaluation feedback.
In preparation for the session, read the article, review the following discussion questions, select some that you want to discuss, and share your comments.
1. What is the contribution of structured/facilitated dialogue to guide enhanced learning and improved practice?
2. How is praxis between concepts and performance important to enhanced teamwork and engagement?
3. How central is the affective domain (feelings, emotions, motives, commitment) to the JCEHP article conceptual framework and procedures?
4. Why is individualized, informal and self-directed learning important for engagement ?
5. How might appreciative inquiry based on shared stories contribute to guidelines that enhance improvement?
6. Why is trust and a supportive context important for practice improvement?
7. What types of learning and improvement activities warrant greater use?
8. What are some effective ways to estimate participant readiness to engage in performance improvement activities?
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