Presenter Information Review the resources and submission details below as you prepare to present at SACME 2025. The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held in-person only from March 16-19, 2025, in Washington, D.C. Please note that your primary presenter must register for the conference and attend in-person to be eligible to present. If you are not sure who is listed as your primary presenter, please contact Registration is now open, and pre-conference workshops on Sunday, March 16 (limited attendance) are included with your conference registration fee. Visit SACME Meeting 2025 to register today. |
Oral Presentations PRESENTATION DETAILS Oral abstracts will have 10 minutes for presentation with an additional 2 minutes at the end for Q&A (up to 12 minutes total). To ensure the session runs on schedule, it is crucial to adhere to this timeframe. Moderators will be assigned to each session to manage time, oversee Q&A, and facilitate transitions between speakers. SUBMIT SLIDE PRESENTATIONS You can upload your slide presentations using this presentation submission form. Slides are due no later than Friday, March 7, 2025. Slides must be submitted in a PowerPoint (widescreen 16:9 format) and the AV team onsite will launch your slides for you at the time of your scheduled presentation. Presenters will not have the option to use their own computers. With your permission, we will post a PDF of your slides to the virtual conference app prior to the start of the conference. If you have to make updates to your slides, we will need a final version no later than 48 hours before your scheduled session. ORAL PRESENTATION AWARDS RICME Awards: FOX AWARD FOR (BEST) RESEARCH PRESENTATION The Fox Award honors the research of Dr. Robert D. Fox, University of Oklahoma, who has contributed greatly to the literature in the field of professional continuing education. Established in 2001, the Fox Award is presented for the best RICME presentation and is judged with respect to its methodology and impact or relevance to the advancement of the field of CME/CPD. SACME AWARD FOR BEST EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER The SACME Award for Best Early Career Researcher is presented to the individual whose RICME presentation at a SACME Meeting is judged the best with respect to its methodology and impact or relevance to the advancement of the field of CME/CPD. Definition of early career: 1. Trainees of any kind (e.g., health professionals, MDs, Masters, PhDs); and 2. Those within 5 years of completing a terminal degree. Other Presentation Awards: SACME AWARD FOR BEST ORAL PRESENTATION This award is presented for the outstanding oral presentation in the categories of program evaluation, evidence-informed perspectives and best practice at the Annual Meeting and is judged with respect to its contribution and impact on advancing continuing professional development. SACME AWARD FOR BEST ORAL PRESENTATION FOR EARLY CAREER EDUCATOR Introduced in 2023, this award is presented to the individual whose oral presentation in the categories of program evaluation, evidence-informed perspectives and best practice at a SACME meeting is judged the best with respect to its contribution and impact on advancing continuing professional development. Definition of early career: 1. Trainees of any kind (e.g., health professionals, MDs, Masters, PhDs); and 2. Those within 5 years of completing a terminal degree. Award Judging Criteria: RICME Presentations (1-7 scale) - for both early stage and completed
Best Oral Presentations
| Poster Presentations POSTER SPECIFICATIONS Posters at the 2025 SACME Annual Meeting should be no larger than 42” high x 90” wide (106 cm x 228 cm) but should be at least 42” high. For example, you can choose a landscape display of 42” high x 90” wide, a portrait display of 42” high x 36” wide, or a square display of 42” x 42”. We encourage you to have business cards and an 11x17 reproduction of your poster to hand to attendees. POSTER PDF SUBMISSION You can upload your poster PDF using this presentation submission form. Presenters may also upload a short audio clip to accompany their poster PDF in the conference app. Poster files are due no later than Friday, March 7, 2025. With your permission, we will upload your poster files to the virtual conference app prior to the start of the conference. SET UP / TEAR DOWN Set up of your poster will begin at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, March 18. See the registration desk for directions to the poster hall. Tear down is required by 1:00 PM on Wednesday, March 19. Posters will be mounted on double-sided poster boards that are 48” tall x 96” wide. Push pins and Velcro dots will be provided to mount your posters. You do not need to include your poster ID number on your printed poster. The boards will be labeled prior to set up. ATTENDED POSTER SESSION The Attended Poster Session will take place on Tuesday, March 18 from 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM in the Hampton Room. While attendees will be able to view posters throughout the day, a facilitator will take a group of attendees through all the posters on display during the attended poster session. Presenters will have an opportunity to give a 3-minute overview, followed by a 1- to 2-minute Q&A from the group. During breakfasts, breaks, and lunches, you are also welcome to be available to answer questions from individuals browsing the poster hall. WHAT A POSTER SHOULD INCLUDE You are free to design your poster to best showcase your work, through images, graphs, text, infographics, or photos. It is recommended that the following information be included to fully outline your presentation to the audience:
Continuing education credit will be awarded for participating in the poster presentations during the Annual Meeting. We encourage you to disclose any financial relationships of the authors with commercial interests on your poster. Need help getting started? See this poster presentation template as inspiration for your layout. POSTER PRESENTATION AWARDS SACME AWARD FOR BEST POSTER PRESENTATION This award is presented to the individual whose poster presentation is judged best with respect to its impact or relevance to the advancement of the field of CME/CPD. SACME AWARD FOR BEST POSTER PRESENTATION FOR EARLY CAREER EDUCATOR This award is presented to an early career educator whose poster presentation was judged best with its impact or relevance to the advancement of the field of CME/CPD. Definition of early career: 1. Trainees of any kind (e.g., health professionals, MDs, Masters, PhDs); and 2. Those within 5 years of completing a terminal degree. POSTER JUDGING CRITERIA (1-7 scale)
2500 Calvert Street NW |
Hotel reservations made by February 25, 2025 were eligible to receive SACME's guest room rate.
Please contact the Omni at 1 (800) 843-6664 to check availability.
We look forward to hearing about your work in Washington, D.C., at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in March!